Tuesday 23 August 2022

Return to Area G


Your usual correspondent having abandoned the delights of the Common for the more questionable pleasures afforded by the M11 and London’s infamous North Circular Road, the goings on at the most recent steam bath known as a working party come to you courtesy of Team Leaders Julie and Margaret: hence the improvement in quality.

It was a beautiful morning to be on the Common, with blue skies and sunshine, and we had a great turnout of 16 volunteers. We started on time with John finishing off the cutting that he and Dave had done on Thursday. Thankfully, following all that dry weather the cut material was really light and easily raked.

The winch has been repaired and was working like a dream!

We had a bit of excitement when one of our very experienced sheet handlers toppled over when pulling a full sheet onto the heap - I was so restrained to not photograph it as it was very funny once we realised he was ok. He was firmly wedged with feet under the reed and back leaning against a tree. We had almost got to the point of using the winch to retrieve him when he managed to wriggle out! He was absolutely fine, thank goodness!

The other excitement came half an hour in when a wasp nest was discovered. We don’t think we had any victims, and a respectful distance was kept after that!

At that point it was realised that the volunteers were making extremely short work of clearing the fen opposite the “Chadwick Bench” so the decision was made to dispatch Grizzly to the bench side to start cutting over there - starting with a route through to a suitable winching point.

Here’s what we mean by lone working – can’t think what she must have said!

And here’s the obligatory arty shot of a few pitchforks standing about while everyone takes a rest:

Since it was so hot, a shady nook under the trees was chosen for the break – Noel had brought a large bag of ex courgettes which were generously shared amongst the fellow workers.

These fabulous pictures sum up what a happy bunch we are – especially when refreshments are involved.

After the break Team Leader Kevin took over cutting duty, with the cut material being removed almost as quickly as it was felled.

We finished on the dot of 11.00, hot and sweaty; so we came in on time and on budget!

Here is Team Leader Margaret’s message of thanks:

Hello all,

I have now had a cup of tea and a reviving shower. I am sure the other 15 folk have all done the same, blow any water shortage. Thank you so much to a grand bunch of people. We have managed to complete all the work required on the middle section of the common in 2 weeks instead of the 3 I was expecting. It was a lovely atmosphere there today you are all such a super group to work with. Thank you.

We will be moving to North of the Beck on the 4th September where I am sorry to say the material we are moving will be much heavier but I am sure we will manage as usual.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and we all wish the best to Julie and Roger.

Margaret on behalf of the team leaders


Undaunted by the rigours of Sunday, a mere two days later five hardy souls convened at The Pit to cut the wildflower area and strim the reeds overwhelming the pond. Like so many others, it is currently sadly depleted of water, with little hope of it filling in the near future.




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