Wednesday, 27 November 2024

A pit stop in the weather

 A small working party was carried out yesterday at Pit Common on a lovely sunny day, happily sandwiched between two vile ones. This session was re-scheduled from the planned Sunday one, due to the ravages of Storm Bert. Bertie had not affected our area anything like as badly as some desperately unfortunate parts of the country, but was nonetheless huffing and puffing and threatening to blow down anything he could – which might have included the trees at Pit Common onto our precious volunteers. Therefore, a postponement was deemed wise; the runes were cast, the oracle consulted, and Tuesday emerged as a likely decent day. We are lucky to have an average of 13 volunteers on our working parties, mostly of course on Sundays, so it was still pleasing that nine were free to attend this time. It will come as little surprise to regular readers that your usual correspondent was not among them; this time a dentist’s note secured my release, although the sharp pain in my mouth and an even sharper one in my wallet meant I got the rough end of the deal.

Acting Team Leader Teddy oversaw the action, accompanied by Linda, who under his supervision also hacked and carried and dragged whatever came within reach.

Those nine people were perfectly happy (so I am told) to get stuck in to cutting back the scrub which was encroaching on the open part of this little common.

Indeed, apparently they had to be restrained from going further, the red mist having descended no doubt.

Mowing, and hiding under cut material, was also carried out.

At the end of the session everyone was pleased with the result, and we hope that NWT warden George will be equally impressed.

Here is Team Leader Margaret’s message of thanks:

Hello all,

Thank you to the nine volunteers who turned up at short notice today. You have done a cracking job cutting back the dead scrub behind the sign at the pit and brushcutting some of the reed that is invading the pond. It was a beautiful day and we timed the work perfectly so all that was cut was cleared by 12.00. We even managed to spread some yellow rattle seeds on the wildflower area and cut the grass. Kevin had cut half of it yesterday. Thank you Kevin. It was a good job we cancelled Sunday as two trees came down elsewhere in Lower Street. So weather permitting we hopefully will see you on the 8th December to make a start on the Reed bed behind the Chadwick bench. Enjoy this lovely day.

Margaret.On behalf of the Team leaders.

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